My friend Daniel Villamil from CCC Medical in Uruguay sent me these pictures of a very unique device in his colection. It is a late-1960s/early 1970s pacemaker made in Sao Paulo, Brasil.
UPDATE Oct 3, 2012:
CCC’s CEO Julio Arzuaga recalled that this pacemaker was manufactured in the early 1960s by the Instituto de Cardiologia Dante Pazzanese in Sao Paulo, Brasil. The physicians leading the pacemaker team were Dr. Decio Kormann and Dr. Adib Jatene.
Dr. Orestes Fiandra used to implant these Brasilian pacemakers in Uruguay. However, they were not very reliable. For this reason, and with help from Drs. Kormann and Jatene, Dr. Fiandra started CCC del Uruguay as a more industrial environment for the production of pacemakers.