Image Credit: NeuroPace
NeuroPace of Mountain View, CA received FDA approval for MR-Conditional labeling of its RNS® implantable system for the treatment of medically refractory partial epilepsy.
Unlike Cyberonics’ VNS IPGs, the RNS® neurostimulator is designed to detect abnormal electrical activity in the brain and respond by delivering electrical stimulation to normalize brain activity before the patient experiences seizure symptoms. The neurostimulator is implanted in the cranium and connected to one or two leads that are implanted near the patient’s seizure focus.
A real-world, multi-center retrospective study demonstrated a median seizure frequency reduction of 82% at 3 years, and 1 in 3 patients achieved 90% or greater seizure reduction.
According to the announcement:
“Individuals with focal onset seizures that also have brain anomalies that require monitoring, such as tuberous sclerosis, brain tumors or multiple sclerosis, as well as those with non-brain MRI requirements, can now be offered the RNS System as a treatment option. This will also allow people to receive the RNS System before committing to an irreversible surgery such as laser ablation, while keeping their future treatment options open.
“MRI conditional labeling opens up valuable medical imaging possibilities for our patients treated with the model RNS-320 neurostimulator, who can now receive full-body 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans under appropriate conditions,” said Michael Favet, President and CEO of NeuroPace. “I’m pleased that we have removed a potential barrier to treatment and increased the number of patients who can benefit from this life-changing therapy.” “
NeuroPace Website: www.neuropace.com