BioControl Medical, Ltd. was founded in 1999 by Yossi Gross, and is based in Yehud, Israel. BioControl’s first devices were developed to treat incontinence due to overactive bladder, stress, and interstitial cystitis. In 2006 American Medical Sytems acquired an exclusive license for the use of the technology in urology, gynaecology and other pelvic health applications.
The BioControl MiniatURO was an implantable muscle and nerve stimulator designed for subcutaneous implantation on an outpatient basis. Its purpose was to alleviate some types of urinary incontinence.
For patients suffering from stress incontinence, whenever the device detected an increase in abdominal pressure through its pressure-sensing catheter, it applied mild electrical pulses to the pelvic floor muscles. The intention was to activate the muscles and prevent inadvertent urine loss. In the urge incontinence mode of operation, the unit applied mild electrical pulses to the pelvic diaphragm nerve, using the sphincter detrusor muscle reflex to inhibit bladder contractions. For those with both types of incontinence, the two modes of operation were combined. In operation, the unit was intended to mimic natural physiology, activating the muscle upon demand, and strengthening the pelvic floor muscle. Continue reading